Gain insights on equity market dynamics and investors behavior
Who is buying or selling equities. See which investors might buy or sell a stock, and how it might impact your positions.
Understand their strategy. Quantify investors behavior and herding effects.
Do not miss an opportunity by failing to anticipate demand. Generate alpha by profiting from market dynamics.
Get deep knowledge of market dynamics. Enhance your return by analyzing estimates of buying and selling pressures for stocks.
Understand why investors buy or hold a stock. Know how others are positioned. Get deep knowledge of market dynamics.
Understand your client’s motivation behind each trade and basket order. Provide trade ideas that make sense to your clients.
Spot funds that deviates significantly from stated strategy. Judge investors by their act! Know similarities between funds to better diversify.
Get potential demand for any given stock.
Receive custom trade ideas based on your portfolio or preferences.
Anticipate who will buy or sell a given stock
Understand which investor share common behaviors and get their characteristics
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