Get deep knowledge of market dynamics. Enhance your return by analyzing estimates of buying and selling pressures for stocks.
Get deep knowledge of market dynamics. Enhance your return by analyzing estimates of buying and selling pressures for stocks.
Portfolio Managers and Traders have plenty of options to analyze stocks but few, if any, to understand the demand for stocks.
AlgoReady let you analyze market flows, helps you find investments you might like and find peers to assess differences.
Analyze your portfolio in the context of stock market flows.
Get a full understanding of your portfolio positioning vs the estimated market interest. Truly understand where you stand against others
who is trading the same stocks as you.
Avoid potential future crowded stocks. Check who is trading similar positions and who will most likely trade a stock.
when to enter or exit a trade.
Validate if investors trade a stock for the same reason as you. Confirm if your investment is following the flow or is a contrarian bet.
Ready to use analytics
AlgoReady works right out of the box. No need to spend days or weeks implementing the solution. Add your portfolios or basket of trades and get immediate customized analytics.